More Exciting News

Did you know?

Cardiac arrest is the biggest killer in the country, tens of thousands of people die annually, many could have been saved if access to an Automatic External Defibrillator (AED) had been available.

The evidence to support early defibrillation is overwhelming, the longer an AED is delayed the less chance a patient has of resuscitation, at 10 minutes there is virtually no chance of recovery.  Many communities, public places and businesses are choosing to purchase an AED and train staff or members of the community in their use.
Invenio Training Ltd. now stocks Lifepak CR Plus Defibrillators, purchase one from us for £980 (retail price £1200) and we will provide a certificated AED training course for £6.00 per person to cover registration and certification.

Our training meets the Resuscitation Councils current guidelines and comes with a recognised certificate.

Please contact us for more information or visit our website for more details.

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