Welcome to Invenio Training

Simple things save lives! Invenio Training is a Buckinghamshire based company providing fun and professional training courses throughout the Thames Valley area. Our courses include First Aid at Work, Pediatric First Aid, Health and Safety and other more specialist opportunities for home or work. Please view our website for more information and do not hesitate to contact us with any questions.

Sunday, 16 February 2014

Fame Beckons!

Health & Safety Assault Course!
This week was a week of two halves, firstly I was involved with further manual handling training with Hearing Dogs for Deaf People at their head office in Buckinghamshire and I also completed a Fire Marshall training with staff from SOS Buckingham, bringing them up to date with their responsibilities.

The second half of the week was a foray into radio, with an hour long session on Marlow FM with Carla Delaney.  Although I was part of a radio broadcast for outdoor activities two years ago and many years ago I was part of a broadcast to do with mountain rescue, actually being interviewed and having a phone in was quite an experience (a positive one I may add).  The show was based around first aid and partly why I am interested in first aid and a little bit about my role as a first responder.

I have been invited back later this month for a business show with members of the Federation of Small Businesses looking at start up businesses, the help available and experiences.