Fame Beckons!

Health & Safety Assault Course!
This week was a week of two halves, firstly I was involved with further manual handling training with Hearing Dogs for Deaf People at their head office in Buckinghamshire and I also completed a Fire Marshall training with staff from SOS Buckingham, bringing them up to date with their responsibilities.

The second half of the week was a foray into radio, with an hour long session on Marlow FM with Carla Delaney.  Although I was part of a radio broadcast for outdoor activities two years ago and many years ago I was part of a broadcast to do with mountain rescue, actually being interviewed and having a phone in was quite an experience (a positive one I may add).  The show was based around first aid and partly why I am interested in first aid and a little bit about my role as a first responder.

I have been invited back later this month for a business show with members of the Federation of Small Businesses looking at start up businesses, the help available and experiences.

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