Is Enhanced First Response Training Really Necessary?
I teach first aid from basic life support to First Response Emergency Care (FREC) Levels 3 and 4. My clients vary from Doctor's Surgeries and businesses, to Close Protection Officers and Outdoor Professionals. I recently read an article about close protection officers upskilling to FREC 4 to meet industry expectations and it made me think about the rest of us. Particularly in the outdoor industry. Is enhanced response training really necessary? In my opinion it depends where you work whether high risk or low risk and how far you are from help. If you work in an populated area, with first world emergency care you can be confident you will have an ambulance with you quite quickly. So no, basic emergency first aid is likely adequate in a low risk setting. Having said that, the national average for a Category 1 emergency response is 8 minutes and 25 seconds. To give you an idea of time in a life threatening emergency, if someone is not breathing, you are looking at 5 min...